Pragmatic Functions of Stories in Communication
Pragmatics is the study of invisible meaning. There is a pragmatic meaning behind each spoken or written discourse. Therefore, pragmatics deals with communication function rather than the form of the utterance itself. Thus, some utterances, including Qur'anic texts, contain more than the literal meaning. There is a need to summon pragmatic information in order to interpret such verses. However, conversational implicature refers to the suggested meaning that is derived from the Cooperative Principle.
The cooperative principle states that there are four maxims used by people in conversation to interact and understand with each other well. So, these maxims enable the people to interpret the spoken and written discourses. The four maxims are: maxim of quantity, quality, relevance 5 and manner. Thus, conversational implicature rises when one of these maxims flouted or violated. Flouting the conversational maxims in the Holy Qur'an returns back to different issues and there is a purpose behind such implied meanings. Thus, it is because the rhetorical style that is used in the Holy Qur'an (Abdulla,2019,81).
Islam as a perfect religion with the Qur'an as evidence of a transcendent Pragmatics is the study of invisible meaning In this case, transcendent communication in the form of the Qur'an is a means of communication for Muslims with Allah to ask for guidelines for life that answer life's problems. The Qur'an is a form of communication media of Allah to His creatures which is enshrined in text (writing) even the Qur'an as a holy book can be categorized as one type of printed mass media that has information functions, education functions, social criticism functions and functions, social control(Rahmatika, 2021,p115).
The Glorious Quran discusses the modes of communication used by human beings, particularly body language, both verbal and non-verbal. Since the Glorious Quran is a text and all the meanings. contained in it should be verb alised, the body language forms referred to in the Glorious Quran are verb alised to be correctly interpreted in the ayahs. Therefore in this review, the word (body language expression) will be explicitly used to refer to body language as a mode of verbal non-verbal communication that existed in the Glorious Quran (Neama,2023, p12).
- Abdulla, Ismail Abdulrahaman, and Suhayla H. Majeed. "A Pragmatic Analysis of Some Quranic Verses in Light of Grice's Cooperative Principle." Journal of University of Human Development 5.3 (2019): 127-133.
- Rahmatika, Arina. "AL-QUR'AN AS A TRANSENDENT COMMUNICATION MEDIA." QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication 2.2 (2021): 105-116.
- Neama, Itimad Munam. A Pragma-Semiotic Analysis of Selected Paralinguistic Features in the Glorious Quran. Diss. Ministry of Higher Education.2023