
What is love?

What is love?

   Is a deep and strong feeling that arises in people's hearts and combines positive emotions and feelings towards a specific person. Love is seeing your importance in the eyes of   those who love you. Love does not have to be only for people. It may be for places, food, songs, religious beliefs, and animals. There are types of love, for example, true love is the person who has sincere feelings. Romantic love is usually associated with the body or sexual desire(murad, 1)

      In their work ,Hatfield and Rapson (1993) make a distinction between two basic

Types of love. 

They defined passionate love as a "hot," intense emotion: "A state of intense longing for union with another. Passionate love is a complex functional whole including appraisals or appreciations ,subjective feelings, expressions, patterned physiological processes, action tendencies, and instrumental behaviors" . In contrast, these researchers defined companionate love as a "warm" emotion, "the affection and tender -ness we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply entwined"(Firestone,36).


in these days is a lie. Someone who lies to another person for personal gain. Every human being wants attention and wants to fill the void inside him, so he resorts  to love, which is just a meaningless word. True love is for the family only, because  the family is the one that will support you, and take care of you in all your  circumstances for free. As for love between people, it is a feeling in order to fill the  emotional void and feelings that are useless and have no purpose. True love exists,  but in a small and very rare percentage.  It's between two people. And each of them sees only his beloved. He will still think,  take care of every detail, and try to make him happy in every way. And he does the  impossible. He fights the whole world for the person he loves. It is love far from immoral things. It is pure virginal love devoid of feelings of exploitation. These  people try all means to come together under one roof and create a happy family. Love  is the person who holds your hand, faces the world, and faces your circumstances and problems without leaving you. This is what we only see in fantasy novels and plays. There are some sad endings. These lovers are separated by circumstances, problems,  distances, and family.


1-murad, Baneen, love and Tragedy in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. 2024. 

2-Firestone, Robert W . Sex and love in intimate relationships .Volume 583 || what is love? ,Science Fiction Center،2006.
